Thursday, October 22, 2009

Today's Highlights

Quick highlights or funny stuff from the day, which will turn into a long post for sure.

1) Graeme slept till 6:30am!! Great! (But Gavin woke up at 5am. Not sure how to help that one.)

2) We're down to just a morning bottle for Graeme, otherwise he's on sippy cups. Pretty good.

3) Don't under estimate the fun factor of a pile of pillows.

4) Gavin telling me when waking up from his nap: "It's crunchy out there." (Me: "Out where? What's crunchy?") Now, getting up and trotting down the hallway: "The square cereal is crunchy. It's crunchy in the pantry." (Square cereal is Frosted Mini Wheats, and I can't blame grandparents for that one.) Does he dream about food???

5) Reading a book about Halloween with Gavin -- he likes the "smooky ghosts".

6) Tonight at the dinner table the whole family laughing together. So fun. Graeme was done with his food, so I took off his tray and pulled him up to the table. He promptly put his feet on the table, and Gavin starts laughing. "Feet on the table!" he says in his sing-song voice of something you're not supposed to do. (That's a rule for us. Straight to bed.) I put his feet down and he puts them back up, etc. Gavin and Graeme were cracking up!

7) Ok, this wasn't today, but it is kind of funny. Graeme has learned to headbutt from Gavin as sort of a greeting. Gavin does that with him, of course, and really everyone who might potentially take his toys. Yesterday I noticed that Graeme pushed his head into Gavin without prior provocation. Too funny. When will they learn that this isn't an acceptable greeting?

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