Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happiness is...

These pictures were too cute, so I had to post them. I'm realizing that my posts are all about either sweets or vegetables. I guess a balance is good, right?? Gavin's favorite treat this summer was a chocolate dip cone from Dairy Queen, which is right down the street from us. I can hear him now, "I want a treat! Let's get in daddy's truck and go to Dairy Queen!" I have to say that Daddy did start this, but I didn't complain because I like them too. This was Graeme's first experience with the dip cone.

"Happiness is..."

"Hmmm... yummy... we love ice cream... chocolate..."

"What? I was just doing what Gavin was doing.
And look, I've got this cute french look going for me!"

Since Graeme can't talk yet, he's subjected to me speaking for him. Luckily, he won't realize this until much later in life.

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