Monday, January 11, 2010

Dinner at Our House

Back to reality today, we had a pretty slow day because it was POURING the whole day. There was a little window in the afternoon where I dressed Gavin up in rain gear and sent him outside to play in the mud. Thank God boys love mud. (Though it's too bad that Graeme still puts everything in his mouth. He can't be trusted.)

Fast forward to dinner. At the table, Gavin starts bouncing around at his chair as he normally does. Craig says, "Gavin, I'm more impressed when you execute on the consumption of food." All kids nearing the age of 3 would, naturally, understand that sentence. I laughed, but Gavin did start eating. Eventually, anyway.

After a few bits of food, Gavin grabs the pickled pepper on his plate. Sweet peppers, mind you. We're not evil parents. He likes them. But, he grabs one and says, "Fire in the hole!" and takes a huge bite. I die of laughter (and promptly write it down so I don't forget the moment). SO FUNNY! Perfect context. Craig didn't teach him.... Who says kids don't learn anything from watching movies?

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