Friday, January 29, 2010

Just Something I Can Sing!

Yoga class tonight consisted mainly of a history lecture, which was interesting, but left me needing something to energize me for the drive home. As is always the case, I couldn't find a song I liked on the radio. "I just want something I can sing!" I say to myself as I merge onto the freeway. Then, I change the station, and behold! The Fugees, Killing Me Softly is just starting. Jackpot!! The Universe was listening. This is my karaoke song of choice, so I sang my heart out in my car, where no one can hear me. Just the energy I needed.

I am deathly afraid of karaoke. Always have been. However, our old poker group used to play the Playstation version after our game was over, and usually after some beverages. To my surprise, I'm not that bad! (In other words, I usually won... or came close to winning.) Yet, it still scares me so I sing in my car. And with my kids who have no choice but to listen... until Gavin says, "Mummy, stop singing please." Although, in his defense, when I sing with them it is usually Desperado with the words changed to fit whatever I'm doing. I can see how that wouldn't go over so well.

Little Gavin, why don't you pee in the potty?
You've been out playing trucks, for so long now...

You get the idea.

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