Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Emerging Personality

We are seeing a very cute, and opinionated, personality emerging from our little Graeme. It is fun to see how different he is from Gavin. Gavin was THE most mellow baby in the world as far as temperament. (That, of course, is no longer the case as he's quite the perfectionist. Curse of first children, I think.) Graeme, who is also laid back and easy going most of the time, certainly lets you know when he's not happy. Lately, he's started growling like a lion. Example? Graeme loves to go into Gavin's room and grab some letters from one of the ABC puzzles. His favorite letters are the "I" and "Q". (Maybe it is a sign that he'll have a high one?? Hee, hee.) But, they are super choking hazard size, and he's started to rub off the color on the tail of the "Q". So, I told him they go in Gavin's room and put them away last night. He growled at me like you wouldn't believe! Total fuss, crying -- the works! Then I turned around, he grabbed them again (same letters) and toddled out of Gavin's room happy as a lark.

Whatever. Not worth the fight.

He also thinks that he's learning his letters, and numbers for that matter. Whenever we watch cartoons that ask kids to pick out letters, as many do, he stands at the base of the TV and screams, "Eeeee" or "Ooooo" or any kind of letter sound. Like he knows the answer. It's pretty funny. Also, whenever we're counting with Gavin, or going upstairs and counting stairs, Graeme always gets to the end and says, "Ten!" or something that sounds like ten. Pretty funny.

Gavin, on the other hand, is great with letters and numbers for real... but is obsessed with boogies. The other night we told him he couldn't pick boogies at the dinner table and he says, "Can I go pick my boogies in the corner?"

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